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Title: Analisis Kebutuhan Ui/Ux Mahasiswa Kalbis Institute pada Studi Kasus Learning Management System (LMS) LeAps Kalbis Institute
Authors: Darmawan, Muhammad Kelvin
Ziveria, Mira
Keywords: Learning Management System
User Centered Design
User Experience Questionnaire
Slovin Formula
Issue Date: 30-Aug-2022
Publisher: Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Abstract: In this study, researchers discuss the problems faced by Kalbis Institute students when they are using the learning management system (LMS). This study aims to help solve problems with interface design solutions. The researcher used the user centered design (UCD) method as a research method, python and power BI as a data processing tool, the Slovin formula as a determinant of the sample space, and a user experience questionnaire as a testing tool.
Appears in Collections:SI 2022

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